Thursday 23 October 2014

Time to holiday and a reunion

So this has been a hard post to write....we have been together since we were 20, known each other and been best friends since we were 18 and started at Uni together, somehow it transpired that i would head away for 3 months! what were we thinking? Anyway three months was crazy tooooooooo long and we had to experience some of this together.....Im in France and he's on a plane and Im loving this new confident traveller that I feel(well kind of)   Im wandering the streets of Geneva, going with the flow, (no schedule no plan) when i realise Im totally lost and I mean really lost, Im working my way through google maps, and then I get the text, "Im in the taxi and will be at D work soon" panic focus( 20min to get there) and runnnnnnn..........just as the taxi driver and C is looking and D runs down from her office building(cos I m not there) I round the corner and we reunite.......Dinner with D, swim in the lac , lunch by the lac, a bike ride to sit by the lac ,then we thought a leisurely ride to the airport! which turned into D slowest commute ever (I think we all missed a train before,just saying)super stress, call the taxxxi from Geneva, quick fire get them to the plane instructions.......we made it! ...... Ibiza, met by friend's we've known since those 18 yr old time now living in their new Island home ....... Ibiza time, wine and catch ups on the terrace and one hour flows into the next and the next and the next....C is fine he is still on NZ time , 4.30 I run for bed!.......xxA

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